
Rink Rekker is a visual artist based in Groningen, NL, who creates works using a combination of mixed media.

My practice is diverse, experimental, and has different means for expressing or translating abstract thought. The key elements I work with are spatiality, reflection, time, and impulsivity. These elements are crucial to my work, as they allow me to create from a deeper, unknown curiosity — something I wouldn't be able to achieve through purely rational thought.


artist statement - 31 jan 2025

I would argue that my works are personal, but I don’t usually agree with the conventional understanding of ‘personal’. As for me, personal doesn’t mean that it is purely coming from my perspective or my experience; but rather from an experience that has been shaped by identity, environment and our understanding of the past. Which are concepts that can quickly become broad talking points in themselves. Thus, my works are entrenched with my own experiences of identity, which I see as inextricably linked to these aforementioned themes. But with a combination of theoretical research and material experimentation, where my goal is to find the balance between complex theory and communicative directness.

For a clear example I would ask you to consider my time-based works and my Disintegration Sculptures. The lyrics of my audio works and the dialogue in my videos are intentionally straightforward, hinting at deeper theoretical underpinnings, inviting multiple interpretations and prompting reflections on the nature of 'meaning. In contrast, my Disintegration Sculptures literally dissolve personal understanding as the forms gradually fade into a puddle of formless material. Begging the question of what does our personal understanding mean in an impersonal world?

mail : contact@rinkrekker.nl
instagram : @rink_rekker


21 novemeber 2024 : Third Years Exhibitions. Academy Minerva, Groningen.
24 februari 2024 : -self, groepsexpositie. Het Langhuis, Zwolle.


Fine Arts, Academy Minerva, Groningen : 2021 - present
Graphic Design, ROC Friese Poort, Drachten : 2018 - 2020
IT Studies, ROC Friese Poort, Leeuwarden : 2016 - 2018